Mudwing names Canon Names Asha Bog Cattail Clay Crane Crocodile Marsh Mayfly Moorhen Newt Ochre Pheasant Reed Sepia Sora Swamp Umber Other Names Note: Remember to list names …MudWing Names 7.1K 66 240 by HAIM0N Share 1: Clay (why not?) 2 2: Froggy 4 3: LandSlide 5 4: Swamp 4 5: Blackberry 1 6: Anaconda 3 7: Snail 5 8: Amber 15 9: Raspberry 2 10: Alligator 1 11: Bog 4 12: Squish 5 13: Pebble 1 14: Hippo 2 15: Boulder + 16: Rhino 3 17: Earthquake 1 18: Gator 2 19: Muck 9 20: Crocodile 3 21: Heron 5 22: Rocky 1 New sea/rain oc I made!! He still needs a name, but I love him sm! If anyone has name suggestions feel free to leave em' in the comments! :D.