Option 2: Copy Text from PDF & Paste Into a DOC in Mac OS X The primary downside to Google Docs is that it requires web access and internet access to use, otherwise it’s free and easy to try out, and it just may work for you. You can then open the DOCX file in Microsoft Office, or with the Apple Pages app to verify the conversion went smoothly.

Google Docs is legitimately good at converting PDF files into a usable DOCX format and it often preserves formatting very well.

Next, we’ll show you a paid solution from Adobe which is a thorough and complex PDF to DOC converter tool that is best used for professional applications, and an alternative native Mac app which offers similar functionality. First we’ll walk through how you can use Google Docs to convert a file to Word format, then we’ll who you how you can potentially extract the text from a PDF document which you can then turn into DOC or DOCX on your own.